Hoodoo Oils

Uncrossing Oil, Hoodoo Oil, Ritual Oil, Conjure Oil, Uncrossing Oil w/ Black Corresponding candle, Magick


  • Details
    Rootwork should always be performed with a burning candle. The smoke enables the energies to find you while also guiding your energy to the appropriate places.
    Uncrossing Oil has been known for a long time in Rootwotk.

    Uncrossing Oil can be used to anoint Charms or Amulets for protection and hex removal. It can also be used on your physical body or in a ritual bath of preparation. If used in a bath or shower, save some of the water and use it as a floor and wall/door wash. If used in a bath or floor, wall, door wash, be sure to save some of the oil and water mix and walk to the nearest crossroads to you and pour the mixture there, enabling the intent to protect you from every direction.The candle is meant to be inscribed with your full intention before anointing it with your Uncrossing Conjure Oil.

    My Uncrossing Oil is made in a Master Bottle and allowed to steep for 4 to 6 weeks while a blessing of intention is spoken over it daily. It is made of powerful herbs such as Angelica Root, Verbana, Mugwort, wormwood, and other potent herbs and essential oils.

    This listing is for one .50 oz bottle of Uncrossing Oil and a corresponding black candle which comes lovingly packaged.

    AS in compliance with ETSY rules and regulations, this product is sold as a curio and should be used for entertainment purposes only.