Hoodoo Oils

BOSS FIX OIL with the corresponding red candle, Conjure Oil, Ritual Oil, VooDoo, HooDoo, Witchcraft, Spellwork, Magick



  • Details
    BOSS FIX OIL with corresponding RED CANDLE.
    Boss Fix is part of my HooDoo Conjure Oils. It is one that falls under the Controlling Oils. Like my other Conjure Oils, it should be used with care.
    To work with this oil, fix up a candle by carving your boss's name into the candle. Then anoint the candle with BOSS FIX OIL by beginning at the top of the candle (where the wick is) and working the oil into the candle in a downward motion. Write a petition on a piece of paper you get from work like the copier he or she may share. Write your boss’ name 9 times on the paper one right under the other, then turn the paper 90 degrees and write your demands on top of your boss’ name nine times. Set the paper under the fixed candle and burn it all the way down. Take a little Boss Fix Oil and sprinkle it around the floor at work where your boss walks, take some of that oil and fix the doorknobs he or she will touch. Put some on your finger tips and go touch all the common areas like bathroom faucets, refrigerator doors, and coffee pots. Everyone who touches the Oil will help you spread your intention. Finally, write your supervisor's name on brown paper and anoint with this oil. Wear it in your right shoe to "walk on" your boss.

    ^^^As per ETSY rules and regulations, This item is sold as a curio. It should be used for entertainment purposes only.
  • Reviews

    Reviews (3)


    It did meet my expectations

    Can’t wait to use this!

    Great wrapping and packaging is beautiful. Thank you for the generous extras, and customer service! I can't wait to use it.